With QCAD you'll be able to export your creations to PDF to be able to print them or send them by email, for example. It also has a function that allows you to adjust to object, that will make it easier for you to connect specific pieces to the edges, centers or intersections. QCAD also has a large number of CAD fonts, as well as a library with parts of objects that will come in very useful when it comes to creating drawings. Powerful selection and modification tools. Starting from version 3.7 QCAD is distributed as Professional Trial that works for a limited time, or as Community Edition as source code only, so users need to self compile or remove the QCAD Professional add-on running in trial mode.Allows you to import and export images in bit maps. QCAD Community Edition QCAD Community Edition International Forums Franais QCAD Professional QCAD/CAM QCAD Community Edition (Version 3) Deutsch QCAD Professional QCAD/CAM QCAD Community Edition Italiano QCAD Professional QCAD/CAM QCAD Community Edition Espaol QCAD Professional.Console to insert coordinates and carry out instructions.
QCAD is a computer-aided design (CAD) application in two dimensions.